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Playing sports is about igniting a passion, belonging to a team, sportsmanship, teamwork, and building self-esteem. Every child should have the chance to experience team sports and learn skills that will help them compete both on the field and in life.

Youth Recreational Softball

Girls: Ages 5-8 yrs old Coach Pitch

Girls: Ages 9-12 yrs old Player Pitch

***Ages as of September 1, 2025***

League Play is in the Spring and Fall

Things to Know:

Registration: Jan. 13 - Feb. 16                    $50.00
Late Registration: Feb. 17 - Feb. 23        $70.00
Days of the Week:
Monday and/or Thursday
The team coach will determine practice day/time.

Games are tentatively set to start the week of April 14th

13-14U Softball

Ages 13-14 yrs old

**Must be 13 by May 1, 2024**

League Play is in the Spring

Things to Know:

Registration: TBA
Late Registration: TBA
Days of the week:
Monday, Tuesday, and/or Thursday
The team coach will determine the practice day/time.